This morning I received news that Juri Filipovas, the director of the Teen Challenge center here in Vilnius had passed away. It seems that his poor health over the years finally caught up with him. He has had problems with his kidneys for many years and his heart and lungs had been affected in recent months.
I am the National Director of Teen Challenge in Lithuania, so I feel a special connection to Juri. He was the first director of Teen Challenge and had dedicated the last 8 years or so to helping people with drug and alcohol problems.
It is kind of ironic that today, Sunday, I had asked Juri to come and preach at our church and bring some of the students along to give some testimonies. When I heard the news, I thought they wouldn't come. But Sasa, Juri's right hand man brought them and they shared some songs, some of their stories, even a skit. We asked them lots of questions and they provided some great answers. Bob MacIsaac said, "What a legacy Juri has left behind!"
Our prayers go out tonight to Leokadija and her two adult sons. Juri will be missed as he was a very kind and compassionate man. Please keep them in your prayers.
There will no doubt be new leadership at the center and that will be a challenge in and of itself. Pray that God would give me wisdom as I guide the ship through these troubled times.
We never know when our time will be up. It is best to always be ready.